Tuesday, June 7, 2016

An Incredible Remedy for a Terrific Struggle!

A Terrific Struggle, but an

Incredible Remedy!

One New Man-Gary P R-Plus
 (Eph, Philip, Col), June 20, 2013

A Terrific Struggle! 

       “I find this principle at work within me, that, when I desire to do good, I have innate evil tendencies, within, pushing/enticing me in an opposite direction. Though, in my soul, I embrace God’s law, I see another law at work within me, warring against my determination to do good, to live righteously, and bringing me into bondage to a different law, one that is destructive, loveless and evil, one which seems to be ingrained into my very being.”

O Miserable Man, Who will Deliver Me?

       O miserable man, who will deliver me from this life of death? I’m so thankful, to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. … for to us, who live according to and empowered by the Spirit of Christ Jesus and not as our worldly, self-centered, self-guided inner self would have, there is no condemnation, (no longer the sting of death, but life, love and freedom)!” (Romans 7:21-8:1) onm-gpr-plus-v

An Incredible Remedy!  That's been my ongoing experience, but if and as I repeatedly turn to Jesus in a heartfelt manner:
Call Upon the Name of ... (Gen 11:31-12:8; Isa 55; Rom 10:13)
Wait in Jerusalem Until … (Luke 24:45-49; Acts 1) 
Really Hear ... (Isa 55; Jer 6; Heb 1-3), Eat & Drink Jesus (John 6)
Believe/Trust in … (Gen 15:1-6; Isa 30; John 1-16; Rom 1, 3, 4, 6-12; Gal)
Repent/Confess (Isa 1:16-20; 30; 55; 57:14-21; Ezek 18; Luke 19; Acts 2; Rom 6,10; Gal; 1 John 1:9; Rev 2-3)
Become as a Little Child (Matt 18:1-4) and
Die Unto ... ! (Matt 10:24-42; Rom 6, 8; Philip 2-3) (A Blessed Death & Resurrection!)
Continue to Struggle Until ... (Gen 32:22-30; Matt 11:11-15; Matt 10:22)
Rise in Newness of ... (Isa 30; Matt 11:28-30; John 3, 6, 8, 10, 14-16; Rom 6), Go into Battle/Fight (Ps 23)
Feast on ... (Ps 23; John 6)
Enter His Rest (Heb 4:1-11), Love (1 John 4:5-21)
Build God's Beautiful Family (Eph 2:1-4:16)
Continue in His Kindness, Otherwise ... (2 Chron 15:2; Ezek 18; Matt 10:22; John 15; Rom 11:22; 1 Cor 3:10-18; Gal 5,6; Philip 3; Heb 12; Rev 2 & 3) and
Be One Spirit! (1 Cor 6:17) and ...

So, In Conclusion:

Touching the Face of God!

       In this way, we shall experience the embrace of

 God, His life, His family, His peace, His work & His 

Eternity. Even so, may we touch His face, experience 

His kiss and walk in His steps of peace! (S.S. 1-4) 


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One New Man-GPR-Plus


Gary P R Plus
....Looks like there is some real solid truth in this article by Ann Coulter in Uexpress, on how Obama Care is driving health care costs thru the roof, putting an undue burden on the economy, causing employers to substantially cut employee hours, causing many to lose their doctors, coverage and even jobs!
....So, nevertheless, I believe that if this article is a solid analysis of the real situation, that the President, the Senate Majority Leader and some of the others in our Gov't should either be much more practical in these matters or should be impeached/fired over this!
....I'm thinking that they are either really ignorant, very impractical, incompetent, mentally ill, stubborn or just simply extremely foolish dreamers, or even worse, maybe they are part of the reputed, Murderous Cabal of Power Elite who are playing God and Savior of the Planet!
....There is, I believe, already somebody with the Job of Supreme Being, who is doing really well at running and supervising things here to achieve His various Goals, the most important of which, I believe, is to build a wonderful, intimate, loving, enjoyable and reproductive family!
....But these super powerful dreamers, insofar as I can tell, have all kinds of plans to reshape this world in regards to such things as:
  • World Gov't: To be controlled by one small cadre of very connected, very educated, very powerful, very opinionated and very foolish individuals!
  • Population Size: To be reduced by up to 90% via what ever means necessary (Aids, Cancer, Famine, Wars, etc.)!
  • Environment: To be zealously protected at the expense of any and everybody!
  • Religion: To be unified and homogenized to whatever degree is necessary, regardless of whether it's true or not, to bring about World Gov't, World Harmony and so-called World Peace!
....God's Plan Can be found throughout the Bible and through discussions with his current living ambassadors and entails such as here in:

  • Isaiah chapter 30:1-26: Our Plan vs His Simple Plan, Our miserable results vs His wonderful results, are detailed in this passage!
  • Matthew chapters 5-7: In The Sermon on the Mount Jesus lays out much if not all of the master plan for successful living!
  • Romans chapters 1-11: Again much of The Master Plan to be Psychologically Healthy, is laid out to us in a kind of step by step fashion.
  • Revelation chapters 2-3: Successful Christian Living vs. Christian living at its worst and various stages in between! 