Saturday, August 6, 2016

Instant, Charm, Symbolic Church vs a Died & Resurrected New Man

His Life
or the Angel of Light,
My Church No Matter What
or Christ,
The True Bearer of Light
and Life!
One New Man-GPR-Plus
A Beautiful Piece!
........I personally thought this piece concerning certain positive practical aspects of a wife, improving or maintaining her relationship with her husband, was kind of a beautiful, encouraging and helpful post on Facebook by a relative of mine.
The Protestant and Catholic Debate!
........It's just like in the Protestant and Catholic debate, I think we would do well to work more on our common uplifting (Philip. 4:4-9), most key aspects of the faith (Eph. 2:4-5:21): such as our need to ingest and embrace the Teachings of Christ, His Intimate Kiss (which is a most beautiful experience), His moment by moment Guidance, His Word, His Family, His Cross, His Work and Power (Eph. 3:14-19), individually and corporately (Rev. 2:1-3:22). 
Debilitating  Differences
Need Touching!
........Sure, the various differences of the churches are at times very significant and even critical and debilitating and need to be dealt with (John 4:1-15) on a case by case basis with the love of Christ (1 Cor. 13:1-8) and according to His timing (John 16:12-17). 
Eating and Drinking JESUS! 
........For example: Eating the Body of Christ and Drinking His Blood is a most important teaching and principle of the faith (John 6:26-59). One Group, in my mind seems to turn it into no more than commemoratory kind of ceremony, which removes almost all of it's real power and meaning and life.
........While the Other Group seems to me to almost turn the mandated ceremony into something akin to swallowing magic pill (Gal. 5:1-25) and viola I've now got God's power inside of me, in fact Jesus Himself. 
Both Views Are Destructive!
........Both views do a grave, Christian killing disservice to the Body of Christ (2 Pet. 3:9-18) and to each and every individual believer, who subscribes and lives by such views (Rom. 16:17-18). 
What's Really Needed! 
........What's really needed, when we think of Eating and Drinking Jesus, is not just a simple commemoration, not just some magic charmbut a complete embrace of Christ (John 3:1-8), His teachings, His personal ongoing HugsHis Kisses (S. of S. 1:1-8), His Guidance (Isaiah 30:1-26), His Cross (Rom. 6:5), His Church (Eph. 4:3-16, fellow disciples), His Work (Philip. 3:17-21), His Word and His Principles (2 Tim. 3:15-17), to the extent that we have His Life (Rom. 8:1-17), Peace (Gal. 5:18-23), FruitfulnessKisses, and His Oneness (1 Cor. 6:17).
........Just a bunch of religious activity, minus the real power, The True Life, Jesus Himself!

        (2 Tim. 3:1-5; Heb. 5:11-6:3; John 14:1-15:10).


........* When this concept is understood properly, it is a most beautiful principle of the faith! The Apostle Paul speaks of talking of nothing else but Christ and Him Crucified in one of 'his letters'.
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One New Man-GPR-Plus

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